We must start our practice to change our way of living and of thinking

The world has changed. It is changing. We can change.

It is a new learning of life. It is a new learning of how to live. It is not a learning of how to stay the same. Life is to change. The world is changing. We can change. We can jump rope forward.

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The first step towards the change is to know that we are not the same as we have been before. To realize that we are the same, but we have to change. We have to change our old thoughts. We have to change our old patterns. We have to change our habits. We have to change our relationships. And we have to change. If we change, it is not only to get to a new place, but much more, it is a new way of jumping that changes our life. This is our opportunity for creating a new way of living. Our opportunity for creating change in our life. Life is challenging. We live in a very limited world. We need to build a better world. We need to create a better world. We need to build a better world. We are not in the life anymore. We are in the world.


We have two options. We can either change our way of being in the world, or we can get stuck in the life. We live in a big world, but we live in a small mind. The idea is to change our way of thinking. The way of thinking is to change our way of living. And the way of living is to live differently and to start to use a skipping rope.